HackerNote presents us with a simple web app where the login functionality can be exploited. We will take advantage of this and get full control of the machine.

Learning Objectives:

  • Enumeration
  • Username Bruteforcing
  • Password Bruteforcing
  • Priviledge Escalation


Task 1 -> Reconnaissance

Initiate the VPN connection and deploy the machine

Add the IP address of our machine to the /etc/hosts

echo hackernote >> /etc/hosts

Nmap scan to discover what we are working with

nmap -A -T5 hackernote


Task 2 -> Investigate

In this section you should explore the webapp capabilities from a new user point of view.

  • Create an account
  • Log in
  • See how the webapp responds to an invalid user/password

Task 3 -> Exploit

Looking at the file ‘login.js’ we find the API endpoint ‘api/user/login’ this is where we will aim our bruteforce.
I wrote this exploit using the challenge tips, you must provide the wordlist path in the first argument.


Task 4 -> Attack Passwords

Once the utils are installed use the following command to merge the provided wordlists.

./combinator.bin colors.txt /numbers.txt > wordlist.txt

Start bruteforcing using hydra with this command

hydra -l james -P wordlist.txt hackernote http-post-form "/api/user/login:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:Invalid Username Or Password"


Now that we discovered both the username and the password we can log into the user account.
From the notes get the user ssh password


We now can log into the machine through ssh

ssh james@hackernote


Task 5 -> Escalate

From a quick search with the words ‘pwdfeedback’ and ‘CVE’ we find ‘CVE-2019-18634’

Download the CVE exploit and compile it with


SCP the binary into the machine

scp ./exploit james@hackernote:/home/james 

Simply run the exploit and get root.


Hope you enjoyed this machine.